Sprinkle on eggnog.
Add to other pies--apple, peach, or rhubarb, for example.
Sprinkle onuniqlo airism 背心 pumpkin soup.
Frontier Natural Products, 南瓜派香料,16 oz (453 g)
Use to season cooked car久禾、康儷、康順、順傑rots.
Use to season baked apples, pears, or peaches.
Fold into quick bread batter or cake batter (especially carrot cake or pumpkin cake).
訪問制造商的網站 Cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg.
Combine with plain yogurt and honey or maple syrup.
This fragrant blend of cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and cloves is so handy, you'll be surprised at how often you'll reach 衣服除汗味for it. These spices, used in conjunction in hundreds of dessert recipes, bring wonderful flavor to just about any sweet dish.
- Non-Irradiated
- Kosher
Add to custards and puddings.
Frontier Natural Products, 南瓜派香料,16 oz (453 g)價格
果然真的比店鋪便宜耶!Sprinkle on squash while baking.
Add to pancake or waffle batter.
Use to flavor pumpkin pies and bars.Add to applesauce.
Add to cookie batter (especially oatmeal or sugar varieties).
Frontier Natural Products, 南瓜派香料,16 oz (453 g)介紹
Use to flavor breakfast oatmeal and granola.
Mix with cream cheese and honey and spread on raisin bagels.
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是我在量販店時看到的,發現Frontier Natural Products, 南瓜派香料,16 oz (453 g)價格
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